September 18, 2022
Swimming Lessons
The only way I could make it through a flight was to sleep the whole way, so I slipped a Dramamine tablet past my lips and dry-swallowed before settling into my seat. My father sat in the middle space, providing a buffer between me and the stranger who took out a sudoku puzzle book and lowered the seat tray before the plane taxied out of the gate.
My dreams when drugged always seemed to blur the ...
September 09, 2022
Annie Schumacher is a poet and translator. She is the Assistant Poetry Editor and Audio Editor at The Cortland Review, Social Media Editor for the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conferences, and Co-Director of The Unamuno Author Series. Recent publications can be found in The London Magazine, California Quarterly, Poetry London, and On the Seawall. She lives in Barcelona.
Devin Jones: First, I would love to ...
August 21, 2022
REBECCA LINDENBERG is the author of Love, an Index (McSweeney’s, 2012) and The Logan Notebooks (Center for Literary Publishing, 2014), winner of the 2015 Utah Book Award. She’s the recipient of an Amy Lowell Traveling Poetry Fellowship, an NEA Literature Grant, a seven-month fellowship from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, and an Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award. Her work is forthcoming ...
July 23, 2022
Mee Ok Icaro reads "otherland"
they find her shivering stained t-shirt over wild bare legs
in an alley my mother’s body in the shape
of unknown food chewed by a scatter of teeth
I never saw her mud-matted fishing-wire hair but
my brother offers to send me the picture he took of her when
he showed up like a heart attack that day that
gathered into years when she ...