Congratulations to Fei Sun, Winner of the Kinder-Crump Award!

Pleiades congratulates Fei Sun, winner of the inaugural Kinder-Crump Award for Short Fiction, selected by judge Matthew Salesses. She will receive an award of $1,000 and her winning story, “How Many Times Did It Bloom,” will be published in the Spring 2022 issue of Pleiades.
Fei Sun was born and raised in Shanghai, and first came to the US for school. She studied physics at MIT and pursued a PhD in the same discipline at UIUC, but she left the program in the third year to try writing. She then earned her MFA at Northwestern University. Since then her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Ploughshares, Mississippi Review (fiction prize winner), Five Points, Wigleaf, Southern Humanities Review, and elsewhere.
The editors also congratulate the eight finalists for the award:
Tim Erwin, “Old Poles”
Jules Chung, “Old Friends Let Things Go”
Neshat Khan: “Moonspotting”
Clayton Bradshaw: “West Texas Story”
Rachel Stone: “Lights and Sirens”
Lisa K. Buchanan: Question Twenty-Eight
Anu Kandikuppa: “Gardening”
Sevde Kaldiroglu: “Sunflowers”