Some Attempts at (Re)Definition: Conflict

December 03, 2018

I have been thinking for a while about how our attempts to define craft terms influence our students’ (and our own) aesthetics, and I have wanted to try other definitions. The first post is here. - Conflict: what gives or takes away the illusion of free will How I Was Taught It I was taught that conflict is what stands in the way of desire. Man vs. Man, Man vs. World, Man vs. Self. The other component of ...

3-Minute Book Review: Lauren Moseley on Emily Jungmin Yoon

November 30, 2018

Three-Minute Book Review: Lauren Moseley on Emily Jungmin Yoon's Ordinary Misfortunes (Tupelo Press, 2017) - 1) If you planted this book in the ground, what would grow? A pear tree, a train, a monument to the wianbu—Korean women and girls who were kept and repeatedly raped by Japanese soldiers during World War II. Most of the poems in this powerful chapbook refer to these “comfort women.” As the author notes ...

Some Attempts at (Re)Definition: Plot

November 20, 2018

I have been thinking for a while about how our attempts to define craft terms influence our students’ (and our own) aesthetics, and I have wanted to try other definitions. The first post is here. - Plot: acceptance or rejection of consequences The way we typically teach plot—as a string of causally linked events rising out of character—is useful. It’s engaging to read. It’s suspenseful to think that ...

3-MINUTE BOOK REVIEW: Katharine Coldiron on Maya Sonenberg

November 15, 2018

Three-Minute Book Review: Katharine Coldiron on Maya Sonenberg’s After the Death of Shostakovich Père(PANK Books, 2018) -   1) What is this book’s theme song? Despite the name, it is not something by Shostakovich. It’s the second movement of Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony, the one that haunts and marches and waltzes all at once. The one that’ll make you weep and then not remember why you wept. ...