Work of the Week: noor ibn najam
the summer i added stars to my name
wrong, maybe, she says she knows me.
it’s been years and we love
each other by ritual
treats on the beach. lemonade with mint
and roses. selfies and she tries
to set me
up with the waiter. i look
queerer than last summer. she won’t say it, just look
what you’ve done to your hair. auntie Nuha approves
of my french. auntie Nuha says work
on my arabic. sucks teeth at my reading
cups after sipping
only god knows. i want to know
why she bought me a hookah
which is also haram
to fly home
with me when i leave her lips
turn, as if a smile
were a string
pulled through itself
so a kitten could sleep
or jacob could have
a ladder to climb. or i
in my pastel overalls.
wrong, this summer of sunsets
spent drinking coffee
and lemonade, her mouth moves to home
a family of blue glass
ghosts. she lets me hold her
beads in my palm. i have never fasted
for a month
which troubles me. beads declare the starlight
of their names by doing
the bump. my mother and sister
are listening to sly
and the family stone. one against
another, god turns
my fingers sapphire with the weight

noor inn najam is an experimental poet and editor. she thinks the truth exists. she’s a fellow of Callaloo, Pink Door, and The Watering Hole. her work has been published with Belladonna* Chaplet Series, Muzzle, ANMLY, and others. her chapbook, PRAISE TO LESSER GODS OF LOVE, was published by Glass Poetry Press in 2019.