POEM OF THE WEEK: Jessica Guzman Alderman
Jessica Guzman Alderman
Walt Disney World Resort
As fungus juts, as earthworms purse
between grasses, orange obscures
the animatronic toucan’s rust—
head tilt, beak nip, wing stretching
fissures in a spider web
& the tangled corn dog crumb. Roped off
we wait for the parade’s first purr, fans
masking our sweat. Like algae on a river,
everything gradual we notice
at once: the service dog’s bark,
the fire flower’s silver burst & contrails
conspiring against dusk. How must
the water moccasins watch
the gorillas sleep in their makeshift
jungles, the boy splash
on the makeshift beach, the alligator
reach for his knees. The snapping
guitar marks the beat, as our sneakers
like shadow puppets
in the gift shop window swagger
with the mechanical beak.